5 Reasons I Don’t Like Twitter (and 5 Reasons I Do!)
Twitter is the hot new thing. Bigger growth than Facebook, they say. And as a seasoned search marketer, I’m supposed to love it. But I don’t. And I’ll tell you why. There are five things about Twitter...
View Article5 Ways You Need to Use Social Media to Boost Your SEO
Let’s face it: Social media is the sexy new marketing buzzword. Sites like Facebook and Twitter are literally taking off, and more and more companies are scrambling to get a piece of the action. But...
View ArticleWhat Goo.gl Means for Social Media…and for SEO.
The age of social media has taught us all to be very economical. Look at Twitter: looking to emulate the 160-character limits of SMS, updates are limited to just 140 characters (leaving the extra 20...
View ArticleGoogle Gets Real…time: 5 Ways to Influence the Conversation
There’s no doubt that social media is changing the face of the web. But now, it’s also changing the face of search engines. Producing an innumerable amount of content every minute of every day, social...
View ArticleSocial-Mobile Search: An SEO Re-Revolution?
It has long been an SEO best practice to leverage geography in helping hit the long tail of search. But with the advent of the location-based revolution – led by Facebook Places and Foursquare – the...
View ArticleBridging the Gap between Social Media and SEO: 5 Microformats You Should Know
Search engines purport to serve up results in the most concise and efficient manner possible. Years ago, that simply meant making results easy to decipher and navigate. But now, the trend has shifted...
View ArticleSocial Media/SEO Integration: 5 Key Strategies for Higher ROI
To the budget-conscious marketer, it can still be a challenge to connect social media to real ROI. “How can tweeting or wall posts translate into sales or revenue?” some wonder, “and is this the most...
View ArticleFacebook “Likes” SEO: 8 Tips to Dominate Facebook Search
Friends. Photos. Marketplace. Questions. Places. Chat. Pages. Games. Name a topic and most likely Facebook’s got it covered. With Facebook’s growing list of offerings, it’s hard to escape the...
View ArticleReaching Customers in Pinterest
Pinterest, which launched in 2008 but experienced record-breaking growth this year, is becoming more than just an image-dominated social network. It’s driving traffic, and it’s leading to sales. Back...
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